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02.01.2007 17:59 - Сентенции с начална буква "S"
Автор: quotations Категория: Лични дневници   
Прочетен: 10161 Коментари: 2 Гласове:

Saepe creat molles aspera spina rosas - Often the prickly thorn produces tender roses. (Ovid)
Saepe ne utile quidem est scire quid futurum sit - Often it is not even advantageous to know what will be. (Cicero)
Saepe stilum vertas - May you often turn the stylus (You should make frequent corrections.)
Salus populi suprema lex - The safety of the people is the supreme law. (Cicero)
Salva veritate - With truth preserved
Salve - Hello
Salve (plural salvete) - Hail; welcome
Salve sis - May you be well
Salve veritate - Saving the truth
Salve(te) - Greetings!
salve(te)! - Hello!
Sanctum sanctorum - The holy of holies
Sane ego te vocavi. Forsitan capedictum tuum desit - I did call. Maybe your answering machine is broken
sanun es?- Are you in your senses?
Sapere aude! - Dare to be wise! (Horace)
Sapiens nihil affirmat quod non probat - A wise man states as true nothing he does not prove (don"t swear to anything you don"t know firsthand)
Sartor resartus - The tailor patched
Sat sapienti - Enough for a wise man. (Plautus)
Satis - Enough
satis verborum - Enough of words
Satius est impunitum relinqui facinus nocentis, quam innocentem damnari - It is better that a crime is left unpunished than that an innocent man is punished. (Corpus Iuris Civilis)
Saturni - Saturday
Scala Caeli - The ladder of heaven
Scala naturae - The ladder of nature
Scandalum magnatum - Scandal of magnates
Schola cantorum - School of singers
Scientia est potentia - Knowledge is power
Scientia non habet inimicum nisp ignorantem - Science has no enemies but the ignorants
Scilicet (sc.) - That is to say
Scio cur summae inter se dissentiant! Numeris Romanis utor! - I know why the numbers don"t agree! I use Roman numerals!
Scio me nihil scire - I know that I know nothing. Certain knowledge cannot be obtained. (Socrates)
Scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter - Your knowledge is nothing when no one else knows that you know it
Sciri facias - Cause (him) to know
scisne latine? - Do you know Latin?
Scito te ipsum - Know yourself
Scribere est agere - To write is to act
Sculpsit - He/she engraved it
Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes? - Who watches the watchmen? (Juvenal)
Sedit qui timuit ne non succederet - He who feared he would not succeed sat still. (For fear of failure, he did nothing.) (Horace)
semper fidelis - Always faithful (Motto of the United States Marine Corps)
Semper fidelis - Always faithful (US Marines Motto)
Semper Gumby - Always flexible (United States Air Forces, Europe, Contracting squadron motto)
Semper idem - Always the same thing. (Cicero)
Semper inops quicumque cupit - Whoever desires is always poor. (Claudian)
Semper Letteris Mandate - Always get it in writing!
Semper paratus - Always prepared
semper paratus - Always ready (Motto of the United States Coast Guard)
Semper paratus - Always ready (US Coast Guard Motto)
Semper Primus - Always first (US Army Pathfinder motto)
Semper superne nitens - Always striving upwards
Semper ubi sub ubi ubique - Always wear underwear everywhere
Senatus Populusque Romanus (SPQR) - The Senate and the Roman people
Sensu lato - Broadly speaking
Sensu stricto - Strictly speaking
Sensu stricto, nullo metro compositum est - Strictly speaking, it doesn"t rhyme
Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare - I think some people in togas are plotting against me
Sequens (seq.) - The following (one)
Sequens mirabitur aetas - The following age will be amazed
Sequentia (seqq.) - The following (ones)
Seriatim - One after another in order
Serva me, servabo te - Save me and I will save you. (Petronius Arbiter)
Si Deus pro nobis quis contra nos - If God is with us who is against us
Si fallatis officium, quaestor infitias eat se quicquam scire de factis vestris - If you fail, the secretary will disavow all knowledge of your activities
Si fecisti nega! - If you did it, deny it (stonewall!)
Si finis bonus est, totum bonum erit - If the end is good, everything will be good (all"s well that ends well)
Si fractum non sit, noli id reficere - If it ain"t broke, don"t fix it
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes - Essentially it says, "if you can read this, you"re overeducated."
Si hoc non legere potes tu asinus es - If you can"t read this, you"re an ass
Si minor plus est ergo nihil sunt omnia - If less is more, then nothing is everything
Si monumentum requiris circumspice - If you seek a monument, look around
Si post fata venit gloria non propero - If glory comes after death, I"m not in a hurry (if one must die to be recognised, I can wait)
Si sapis, sis apis - If you are wise, be a bee
Si tacuisses, philosophus manisses - If you had kept quiet, you would have remained a philosopher. (Boethius)
Si tu id aeficas, ei venient. Ager somnia - If you build it, they will come
si vales, bene est, ego valeo - If you are sound, that is well; I"m sound (OR: if you are well, that is well, I am well)
Si vis amari, ama - If you wish to be loved, love. (Seneca)
Si vis pacem, para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for the war. (Vegetius)
Sic - Thus, just so
sic - Yes.
Sic ad nauseam - And so on to the point of causing nausea
Sic erat in fatis - So it was fated
Sic faciunt omnes - Everyone is doing it
Sic friatur crustum dulce - That"s the way the cookie crumbles
Sic itur ad astra - Such is the path to the stars (i.e. gain reputation) (Vergil)
Sic passim - Thus everywhere
Sic semper tyrannis - Thus always to tyrants - a statement often accompanying a regicide
sic transit gloria mundi - So passes away earthly glory, So passes the glory of the world
sic vis pacem para bellum - If you want peace prepare war
Sic volo, sic iubeo - I want this, I order this. (Juvenalis)
Silent enim leges inter arma - Laws are silent in times of war. (Cicero)
Simia quam similis, turpissimus bestia, nobis! - How like us is that very ugly beast the monkey. (Cicero)
Simplex munditiis - Unaffected by manners. (Horace)
Simpliciter - Naturally; without qualification
Sine cura - Without a care
sine die - Without a day being appointed
Sine ira et studio - Without anger or bias. (Tacitus)
Sine loco (sl) - Without place
Sine nobilitatis - Without nobility (SNOB)
Sine prole (sp) - Without issue
Sine qua non - Something/someone indispensable
sine qua non - Without which not an indispensable condition
Sine sole sileo - Without the sun I"m silent. (sundial inscription)
Siste, viator - Wait, traveler - inscription on Roman tombstones
Sit tibi terra levis - May the earth be light upon you - tombstone inscription
Sobria inebrietas - Sober intoxication
Sol omnibus lucet - The sun shines upon us all. (Petronius)
Sola lingua bona est lingua mortua - The only good language is a dead language
Solitudinem fecerunt, pacem appelunt - They made a desert and called it peace. (Tacitus)
Solum potestis prohibere ignes silvarum - Only you are can prevent forest fires
Sona si latine loqueris - Honk if you speak Latin
Sotto voce - In soft voice
Spectaculorum procedere debet - The show must go on
Spectatvm venivnt, venivnt spectentvr vt ipsae - They come to see, they come that they themselves be seen "to see and be seen
Spemque metumque inter dubiis - Hover between hope and fear. (Vergil)
Spero melior - I hope for better things
Spero nos familiares mansuros - I hope we"ll still be friends
Spiritus asper - Rough breathing
Spiritus lenis - Smooth breathing
Splendide mendax - Splendidly false. (Horace)
Splendor sine occasu - Splendour without end
Stabat Mater - The mother was standing
Stare decisis - To stand by things decided
Status quo - The current state of being
status quo - The state in which things as they are now
Stercus accidit - Shit happens
stet - Let it stand (Do not delete)
Struit insidias lacrimis cum femina plorat - When a woman weeps, she is setting traps with her tears. (Dionysius Cato)
Studium discendi voluntate quae cogi non potest constat - Study depends on the good will of the student, a quality which cannot be secured by compulsion
Stultior stulto fuisti, qui tabellis crederes! - Idiot of idiots, to trust what is written!
stultorum calami carbones moenia chartae - Chalk is the pen of fools, walls (their) paper (No Graffiti please. Apparently, graffiti is nothing new).
Stultorum infinitus est numerus - Infinite is the number of fools. (Bible)
Stultum est timere quod vitare non potes - It is foolish to fear that which you cannot avoid. (Publilius Syrus)
Stultus est sicut stultus facit - Stupid is as stupid does
Sua cuique voluptas - Everyone has his own pleasures
Sub dio - Under the open sky
Sub iudice - Under a judge,  Before a court
sub judice - Under consideration
Sub lite - In dispute
Sub poena - Under penalty of law
sub rosa - Under the rose (privately). Secretly or in confidence
Sub secreto - In secret
Sub silentio - In silence
Sub sole nihil novi est - There"s nothing new under the sun
sub specie - Under the appearance of
Sub voce (sv) - Under the voice
Subucula tua apparet - Your slip is showing
suggestio falsi - A suggestion of something false
Suggestio veri, suggestio falsi - An intimation of truth, an intimation of falcity
Sui generis - Of his/her/its kind
Sui iuris - Of one"s own right
sul generis - Of its own kind peculiar
Sum, ergo edo - I am, therefore I eat
Summa cum laude - With highest honor
Summam scrutemur - Let"s look at the bottom line
summum bonum - The chief good
Summum bonum - The highest good
Summum ius, summa iniuria - The extreme law is the greatest injustice. (Cicero)
sumptus censum ne superet - Let not your spending exceed your income - (Live within your means)
Sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt - These are the tears of things, and our mortality cuts to the heart. (Vergil)
Sunt pueri pueri, puerilia tractant - Children are children, (therefore) children do childish things
Suntne vacci laeti - Are your cows happy?
Suo jure - In one"s rightful place
Suos cuique mos - Everyone has his customs. (Gellius)
Supra - Above or on an earlier page
sursum corda - Lift up your hearts
Suum cuique pulchrum est - To each his own is beautiful. (Cicero)
Svi generis - Of its own kind unique

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